“ABUSERS OF THEMSELVES WITH MANKIND” Both Andersonites and sodomite sympathizers alike take advantage of this phrase in order to propagate their agenda. For those of you that do not know, Andersonites (followers of the heretic Steven Anderson) are so anti-sodomite that they take it to an unbiblical extreme, preaching that sodomites cannot be saved and that every sodomite should commit suicide. On the other side, you have the extreme left-wing modernist “Christians” (most of which already deny the fundamentals of the faith) who resort to using mental gymnastics in order to get around that fact that the Lord has condemned sodomy in “all three testaments” (that is to say, before the law, under the law, and after the law) as a loathsome sin. Both of these diametrically opposed groups find common ground, stating that this phrase does not refer to sodomy. Let us consult the Scriptures to see whether this is so. After all, the best commentary on the Bible is the Bible (Isaiah 28:9-10, 1...
The first thing we need to realize is that the interpreter of Scripture is the author (the Holy Spirit). The common saying is, "The Bible is the only book whose author is always present when one reads it." There are plenty of interpreters that have the author present, in the room (Psalm 139:8), and inside them (Romans 8:9) but do not ask for guidance from the author. We are to let the author of the Scripture Himself interpret the text. So instead of going to men first, go to God first and see what He will reveal to you. The greatest tools to interpret the Bible are not a seminary education or a P.H.D. The best tools to interpret the Bible is to have a humble mind and believing heart. Peter writes, " Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation " (2 Peter 1:20). This means that if you want the correct interpretation you do not go to any scholar or Church to acquire it. You are to go straight to the author. The Bible says, ...
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